HVAC Services in Phoenix & surrounding areas

Equipment Retrofit & Replacement

According to the rule of thumb, you know you need to replace your HVAC or furnace when the cost of repairs approaches 30% of the value of your heating or cooling system.

That’s because a new system can be 50% more efficient if the existing unit is more than 12 years old. With new equipment, the utility savings start paying you back immediately. Plus, you may avoid costly repair bills in the years ahead.

How a Replacement Pays You Back

Advancements in central heating and cooling technology are improving energy efficiency as much as 7% per year. So replacing a heat pump , air conditioner or furnace that is more than 10 years old may be a smart move. Our highest efficiency York® systems can cut your heating and cooling bills in half, depending on the efficiency of your old system.

Comfort is a Consideration, Too

An uncomfortable home can be a sign of improper equipment operation, duct problems or inadequate insulation. Dust, pollen and mold spores can invade your house from leaky ducts that pull dirty air from attics, crawl spaces and basements. Sealing your ducts may be a solution – as well as adding air cleaning equipment. Either way, a properly installed system, duct work, coils and filters can save money – and your health.

HVAC Retrofit & Installation Services

An HVAC retrofit operation is an operation that requires careful planning. The installation of a new cooling system for a building can create significant downtime. Common practice for some is to simply replace old equipment with new of the same capacity, but this isn’t always the ideal choice.

Buildings change over time and affect the required workload of a system. An office building that ten years prior contained a small group of architects looking over drawings, but now is the bustling headquarters for a newspaper, will have significantly different heating and cooling requirements. These should be considered before new installation. Simply replacing a unit with the same capacity will not result in efficient performance.

Jamie’s Air Conditioning and Mechanical Services  is specialized in determining the perfect product fit for your requirements. We will accurately determine load size and provide you a system producing optimal and efficient results.

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